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Contact / FAQ

Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or would like to find out more about my services.

In the FAQ section, you can find answers to frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions


  • What services do I offer?

    My services encompass two areas: Organization and Human Resources (HR) Management.

    In the Organization domain, the focus is on designing optimal conditions that benefit both the company and its employees and customers.

    Within Human Resources (HR) Management, my emphasis is on long-term (strategic) alignment. This includes areas such as Talent Management, strategic workforce planning, and HR analytics.

    I leverage existing synergies between both areas in my projects to enhance the efficient utilization of resources.

  • What qualifications do I bring as a consultant?

    I bring years of experience as a specialist and leader, gathered in various international industrial companies. Over the years, I have either supported or led various projects in the fields of Organization and Human Resources (HR) Management, gaining first-hand knowledge of the challenges and risks involved.

    As one of the few Organization Design Practitioners (CODP®) in the German and Italian-speaking regions, I have fulfilled the requirements for this certification through attending specific training programs and providing evidence of > 1,000 hours of specific consulting practice in the last 24 months.

  • Do I offer individual solutions?


    Every company has specific conditions and needs. It is important for me to analyze them thoroughly and, based on that, work together with my clients to develop solutions. 

  • How do I differentiate myself from other consulting firms?

    My services do not involve a one-size-fits-all product (e.g. Agile, Holacracy, etc.) whose blind implementation resembles a gamble that often leads to the failure of the initiative. Instead, I collaborate with my clients to develop solutions that align with the needs and circumstances of their companies.

    I work based on data because I believe that the efficient use and analysis of data provide significant value for my clients.

    Having firsthand experience with the challenges of companies, I can assess potential risks and devise appropriate measures. Additionally, I can empathize well with the concerns of both executives and employees, offering relevant solution proposals.

    I provide support to my clients (if desired) in implementing the developed solutions. This ensures that any uncertainties or difficulties can be quickly addressed.

  • Which industries and company sizes do I serve?

    My range of services is applicable across industries, as the fundamental challenges in every company tend to be similar. My experience has shown that I am particularly effective in companies with 30 or more employees. This allows me to address the specific needs and dynamics of larger organizations more precisely.

  • How do I ensure that the solutions work in practice?

    My approach is built on two pillars:

        1. Systems Thinking: A holistic approach to understand and optimize the behavior of dynamic and complex systems (e.g., organizations). Systems Thinking helps to view challenges comprehensively, enabling better decisions for the long-term alignment of your company based on gained insights.

        2. Design Thinking: Developed solutions are quickly tested in practice, collecting valuable insights. These insights are then analyzed, leading to subsequent optimizations.

    In my projects, I actively involve employees in the process, enhancing the acceptance of the developed solutions.

    It is important to me that both the executives and employees of my clients feel comfortable with the solutions, as I believe is the best test of practicality.

  • How do I recognize that our organization needs an update?

    Possible triggers that indicate a review and adjustment of the organization may be necessary include:

        • Growth

        • Merger and Acquisition (M&A) of companies or business units

        • Changes in corporate strategy

        • Adoption of new technologies and digitization

        • High employee turnover and absenteeism 

        • Changes in external conditions

        • Overload of the leadership team with day-to-day operations

        • Complicated and cumbersome processes

        • Too many meetings

        • Employees not understanding what is expected of them

        • Poor collaboration and conflicts within the company

        • Slow and ineffective decision-making

        • Change of the business model or venturing into new business areas

  • How do I handle confidentiality and data protection?

    Data protection and confidentiality are two very important issues that have been crucial to me since the beginning of my professional career.

    I use two-factor authentication, and my clients' data is stored on an additionally secured drive.

  • What data is used in my data-driven approach?

    The use of data is determined in close consultation with my clients. In principle, I use only data that is already present in the company whenever possible.

    If possible, no new records are generated. 

    If an employee survey has been conducted, I analyze the respective results to gain a better understanding of the company. A small supplementary survey can be easily implemented at any time, if necessary.

HR & organizational consulting

Hannes Alton

Hannes Alton

Am Langen Rain, 5

I-39031 Bruneck




M 39 340 935 5446

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